Senior Support Coordination

Senior Support Coordination program


The Senior Support Coordination Program of Catholic Charities assists low-income seniors in Lee County who are age 55 and older. The program is a lifeline for under-served seniors who have limited resources and are essentially homebound. Catholic Charities coordinates services that promote and sustain the continuation of independent living at home. Services are free and provided in English and Spanish. Catholic Charities caseworkers assess the needs of a senior and make home visits, assist with food and personal care items, offer interpretation services, and make community referrals. Caseworkers plan and coordinate services such as medical, transportation, food assistance, and other needs so that the seniors can safely remain in their homes and live independently.

Program Overview


The Senior Support Coordination Program is a case management program coordinating services including home visits, to promote and sustain the continuation of independent living at home.  Services are free and provided in English and Spanish

Address of Program: 5597 Sunrise Drive, Ft. Myers 33919

Main phone line for program: 239-334-2234

Translation available at this office: Spanish and English


Caseworker Services:  Caseworkers will make home visits; assist with food and personal items, interpretation services, social support, and community referrals. 

Eligibility Criteria:  (a) age 55 and older (b) inadequate financial resources – low level income (c) Reside in Lee County.

How to Enroll:  Participation is voluntary.  General screenings are conducted on the telephone and an initial appointment is made to complete the intake process at home.

HOW TO ACCESS SERVICE/Intake: Call office for telephone screening appointment with case worker

ITEMS NEEDED at intake (ie: id card, etc): 

  • Proof of income
  • SS card
  • ID


When David joined The Positive Youth Development Afterschool Program in Bonita Springs, he was entering his Fourth-grade school year. His parents were worried as his grades were at an all-time low. He was failing language arts and math as well as science. The school had told his parents that the odds were he would fail Fourth grade if he did not get help.

He is the middle child of a large family; he needed confidence, focus, and structure. His family was new to Lee County. His new school referred him to our program as they knew we could help him and his family. PYD staff and volunteers worked hard with David to help him understand and improve his grades so he could be at grade level.

As the weeks went by, we could see his progress. He could better focus and complete his homework and understand the subjects better. This improvement was noticed in school as well. He was actively participating in class and completing his classwork. David's parents decided to enroll him in our Summer Enrichment Camp, which added to helping him improve his confidence and social development.

His parents were so impressed by his new passion for learning and newly developed enthusiasm. Over the years, David has improved and become a great role model for the younger students. He has graduated from our program and returned as a Highschool Volunteer. He will be graduating soon with Honors and hopes to become a Cardiologist.

"Very excited to learn internet." - Anonymous

99 % Maintained or improve their daily activities and remained in the least restrictive living environment for year 2022

75 Unduplicated clients were served for 2022

100 % Satisfactory rate for the distribution of our 2022 Customer Satisfaction Surveys to all active clients




5597 Sunrise Drive, Ft. Myers 33919